Lowson Street, Darlington | Bedrooms: 4 | Receptions: 2 £70,000.00

Selling Agent


7 Duke Street, Darlington,DL3 7RX

T: 01325 484440

DATE OF NOTICE: 21 / 03 / 2018
86 Lowson Street, Darlington, DL3 0EY
We advise that an offer has been made for the above property in the sum of £71,500.00
Any persons wishing to increase on this offer should notify the agents of their best offer prior to exchange of contracts.
Robinsons, 7-7A Duke Street, DL3 7RX
Tel: 01325 484 440

Ideal investment opportunity for this competitively priced and substantial FOUR BEDROOMED MID TERRACE PROPERTY WITH GARAGE located ...

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